The World’s Ultimate Apple Superfan

In August of 2023 I competed in a contest hosted by SellCell to find the “World’s Ultimate Apple Superfan”. The contest consisted of timed trivia, an essay, and an interview. Over 1000 people from around the world entered the contest, and I came out on top. The results of the contest ended up getting picked up by several publications. Some of them less friendly than others.

In a turn of events that evokes the email Steve Jobs shared during the iPhone 4 announcement, one of those articles got a girl interested in me! We ended up dating for a few months and even made a trip to Cupertino together to visit Infinite Loop, Apple Park, and Steve Jobs’ garage.

Besides my trivia knowledge and computer collection, one of the aspects that won me the award was my Apple logo colored house. I received lots of concerned comments from friends and family about how I would be hurting the resale value or how hideous it would turn out. My real estate agent even called me colorblind when I showed her the palette I was going to use! I wasn’t going to let any of that stop me from having a house that I was happy with, though. And now that it’s done I get nothing but compliments from everyone who sees it.

It just goes to show sometimes it pays to be the world’s biggest nerd!