I’m Turning 30

//TODO: Insert insightful observations on the past 30 years here


  • Broken Bones: 0
  • Cavities: 0
  • Cars Owned: 9
  • Times Moved: 11
  • Cities Lived In: 5
  • Total Distance Moved Between First and Current Home: 280mi
  • Net Distance Moved Between First and Current Home: 2500ft
  • Flights Taken: 31
  • States Visited: 33
  • Other Countries Visited: 1
  • Surviving Grandparents: 3
  • Jobs: 20 positions across 10 companies
  • Children: 1

Bonus fun fact: Despite living two hours away at the time, a series of coincidences resulted in my daughter being born in the same room of the same hospital as me!